About Us
Innovative ECMO Concepts equips your institution with unparalleled expertise and comprehensive support for ECMO program development and management.
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It is our intent to support the ECLS community
Innovative ECMO Concepts saw first-hand the need for more consistent, evidence-based ECMO training, education, and practice. Our mission and vision were born from our goal to increase ECMO knowledge and provide excellent quality care to the ECMO population. It is our intent to support the ECLS community by providing ECMO training and expertise aimed at advancing the rapidly growing ECLS field. We are the only company offering a complete service package, utilizing leaders in the ECLS community.
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Decades of Experience in Critical Care
The collective experience of the IEC team spans decades in critical care, ECMO program leadership, academia, and research. Our professionals have not only trained thousands of ECMO specialists and contributed significantly to global ECMO advancements, but have also authored a wealth of peer-reviewed articles. Their unrivaled expertise and the unique flexibility of our services empower us to cater to the specific needs of any institution, offering top-quality, customized solutions for your ECMO program. With IEC, our extensive knowledge and years of experience are at your staff’s disposal, transforming your institution’s ECMO capabilities.
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